
Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Home Improvement and Roofing Contractors

Is the dilemma of roofing contractors a real dilemma? Not necessarily and not any longer. Anyway, deciding upon the right roofing contractor is of crucial importance. When you buy or decide to have a house built, if you need some repair work done to your roof or if you want to replace the old roof with another one, there are a few things you should know about how to locate and hire a roofing contractor.
Initially , you should be aware of what roofing contractors do. Actually, there are three basic things they do. You can rely on a roofing contractor to install new shingles, shakes, tile or flat roofing since they should have the expertise in putting up a new roof. Then, roofing contractors’ other specialty is to correct any of the problems that might occur related to the roof, improving things and making them more secure for you. And finally, they are also able to provide complete inspection services to prevent other possible contingencies from happening. Depending on the kind of job you are interested in, you will be able to look for the contractor that will be able to do it.
In case you are involved inlearning about roofing, about roofing work costs and about materials and equipment needed in roofing work, then the roofing contractors are the right people you can learn from. With their experience, they ought to have the knowledge to help you recognize the fundamentals, at least, of roofing.
Why is it so important that you get in touch with some roofing contractors when it comes to building, replacing or fixing a roof? Naturally because roofing contractors know a lot about the types of materials and roofing systems that exist and about the way these respond to thedifferent weather conditions. Most roofing contractors know very well the weak and strong parts when the weather conditions and area limitations are issues that might impact the roofing work you want done.
Just like in any other variety of job you have had done before, in roofing work you should alsotry to find other people who have had work done by the roofing contractors you are in contact with. In this way you have a chance that the results of those roofing contractors’ work are good. This is obviously the kind of homework you, the potential client of those roofing contractors, are supposed to do before signing the contract with them.
Finally, if you really need specialized workers and are going to hire a roofing contractor, there are some tips you should remember and use when the time comes. Check roofing contractors’ license; hire someone you feel comfortable to deal with; find roofing contractors that have done a similar job before; check and make sure there are not hidden materials or prep costs.

Sunday, February 26, 2012

How much attic ventilation is enough?  The most ventilation is needed to take away heat in the summer months. Winter attic ventilation must be enough to remove moisture vapor moving from the living space to the attic. In general, ventilation satisfactory for summer cooling is more than satisfactory for winter ventilation. Studies indicate that further raises in ventilation are not effective in significantly reducing attic temperatures.
If the ceiling ispoorly insulated, you may need a little additional ventilation. Attic ventilation can beaccomplished by gravity ventilators, wind assisted ventilators or power ventilator. Regardless of the method used, the purpose is to provide uniform ventilation of the attic for proper temperature and moisture control. Natural ventilation is the most common and energy-efficient method of attaining attic temperature and moisture control. It is also the most inexpensive, and my personal preference. If a space has high air outlets in conjunction with low inlets ,ventilation occurs as the air within the space is heated.
At Roof Doctor, we prefer to accomplish this with the use of eyebrow vents, installed at optimum locations.
If you would like a free evaluation and quote for upgrading your attic ventilation, you can submit a quick online request HERE or give us a ring at (800) 409 – 4910.

The Benefits of Roof Ventilation

Allows outside air to flow naturally upward and out of attic.
Promotes a cooler, drier attic.
Helps prevent moisture from becoming trapped in insulation, structural wood, shingles and roof deck.
Helps prevent rotting, mildew, drywall damage, peeling paint and warped siding.
Provides year-round performance for consistent ventilation without energy consumption.
For a balanced ventilation process, you should have 50% of your NFV (net free ventilation) at the upper third of the roof and 50% at the lower third.
In attics which are not adequately vented, moisture is also produced by simple condensation. The air inside an improperly vented attic will be warmer than the air outside. When this warmer, moist air comes in contact with the colder roof sheathing condensation will happen. In effect, it can basically "rain" in your attic. 

The “eyebrow vent” is a low profile, hard galvanized steel vent, with a considerable flange that differs in size depending on what kind of roof it is to be installed on.

Use of the Eyebrow vent is a very practical and successful way to ventilate your attic. Eyebrow vents are set up on your roof, and can be used as attic intake vents, as well as attic exhaust vents and it is our preferred method to use when possible.

Ant Bites Can Be Painful or Even Deadly!

A little info on unusual home improvement hazards  from Ron Williams Roof Doctor-  (Not an M.D)

All of us must have been bitten by ants at some point of time. But the seriousness of ant bites depends on the variety of ants. If you’ve had bites of regular ants then there is nothing to worry. Apart from a small welt and little itching, there’s not other threat to humans.

However, if the bites are from some hazardous ants then they can cause serious damage to humans. Some ants also damage property. One of the worst ant bites are by fire ants. These ants are notorious and very harmful.

They are called fire ants because the area where they bite starts to pain and burn profusely. They are very intense and attack instantaneously if at all their nest is disturbed. Apart from posing health threats to humans and animals, they also ruin farms, electrical systems and land.

You can get fire ant bites even if you simply move around their nests as they are very sensitive to movement. That is why children often get bitten by fire ants when they are outdoors.

Symptoms of fire ant bites:

Many people are also allergic to ant bites. Such people should be very careful if bitten by fire ants and treat them quickly. Some of the symptoms of an allergic reaction to fire ant stings are shortness or breath, sweating, paleness in skin color, anaphylactic shocks and swelling.


If you see severe symptoms due to fire ant bites then medical attention is quite essential. To treat fire ant bites at home, you can pour ammonia over the site of the bite. Allow it to sit there for sometime and then wash it away with cold water. This eliminates the pain and the itching caused by the sting of fire ants.

Stings from fire ants are alsoinclined to infections; therefore they should be treated quickly. You need to wash the site with water and antibacterial soap. Applying betadine is also helpful to disinfect the site.

Do not scratch, squeeze or pop the pustule that forms following an ant bite. This may raise the chances of scarring and push the infection deeper into the skin.

A victim who experiences allergic reactions to fire ant bites should immediately consult the doctor and take medical treatment. These allergic reactions if not treated timely may cause major health hazards or can even lead to death. Fire ant stings can be incredibly fatal to diabetics.